Monday, October 19, 2015

Halloween is Coming in 3...2...1...

 I've been listening to a recording of Coast to Coast AM this morning (I started listening to it when #2 Son was newborn and up all night; once he started sleeping I was so disappointed to miss it that I joined the website so I can hear the podcasts!) and heard a great story. An 80-something-year-old woman called in with a Halloween memory: as a child, she and her family moved to a military base in Hawaii just before Halloween. There weren't many children on the base, so the adults hadn't really stocked up on candy. When she and friends went trick-or-treating, the adults just gave them money! When she got home her mother asked to inspect the candy (this was before the razor blades-and-needles panic- the woman said her mother was just looking so she could take the best pieces. Parents be trolling even in the '40's..) and was surprised to see all the money. One neighbor, who had given the girl two whole quarters because she was so cute, died two months later when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

Stories everywhere, my friends. Stories everywhere.

Let's see...I have a short story coming up on October 23rd, totally free flash fiction on the blog of a DSPP colleagu, Lex Chase. So that's exciting! I will link it on the day. I was given a prompt but I'm afraid my mind...wandered...a bit and I somehow ended up with demonic luchadores. 

I am typing up a short story prequel-thing to Late Summer, Early Spring. I will probably post it here for fun. I am also working on some sequel shorts as well- maybe Hiroshi and Iwata become traveling supernatural detectives? Can I get a contract from an anime studio now please? (Kidding! Maybe)

And don't forget I'm on Twitter now! Let's hook up so you can see how hilarious I am.



Thursday, October 1, 2015

OCTOBER! Finally!

I got a Twitter!


My husband suggested I do it. I've never really seen the point of Twitter (maybe as a time sink) but it turns out it's pretty fun. I already have 6 followers!

What else...I saw this in the Halloween aisle of Party City. I'm still not sure how I feel about it.

My short story "Bansidhe" (a title that tells you exactly what to expect, eh?) is slated to be published in the Winter Shivers anthology from Inkstained Succubus (love that press name!). It should be out in December. I'm super-excited; I love a good ghost story. "Bansidhe" is my attempt at a Victorian Christmas Eve ghostly tale, a tradition I love and wish would become popular again. Maybe I'll try to put it in place in my own house when the kids are older.

Over on Goodreads, my novella collection Late Summer, Early Spring has 13 ratings and 7 text reviews and is holding steady at a 4.00 average rating. James Clavell mentioned gay samurai in Shogun, so I just took that idea and ran with it. And added an evil fox spirit, because why the hell not!

Also coming up, I have a short short story in the works for Free Flash Friday over on Lex Chase's (very pretty, very professional) blog. My day is October 23rd, so I'll throw it up here once it's out. It involves luchadores ...eeeevil ones because hey, it's October!

So that's what's going on over here. It's October, so what's your favorite scary book? I need some recommendations to keep me up nights (although my teething baby has proven to be good at that too...).