Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dinosaur Feathers Bitches!

So here's some interesting news that pertains to my short story, "Buster" which should be available from Darwin's Evolutions any time now. The titular character is an oviraptor, a smallish dinosaur that made a living eating the eggs of other dinosaurs (with American cheese and ketchup, presumably). Recent science tells us that many dinosaurs actually had feathers, and the badass illustration by Jennifer Miller for "Buster" shows an oviraptor with feathers (see above for the badassery).Link

My husband, a scientist who reads a metric fuckton of scientific journals all the time, sent me a couple highly scientific articles about some dudes in Canada who found dinosaur feathers in chunks of amber. Pretty sweet, huh? The feathers look mostly to be gray, black, brown, a little reddish- boring colors, but hey, they're feathers from a dinosaur!

I found a less scientific article geared toward idiots like me online:

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